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About Amy Lemire

Amy is the author of Amazon #1 Best Seller “From Zero to Sales Hero” and “From Zero to Speaker Hero”

Amy has a mission to inspire people to achieve Peak Performance results in life, business, relationships, personal happiness, and in the areas of life that matter most to you.

Amy has given keynote speeches and conducted training and consulting services to her clients: Zebra Technologies, Becton Dickinson, Massage Envy, Mastech Digital, Qualcomm Life, Capsule Technologies, The United States SBA (Small Business Administration, Chicago), Aurora University, New Peaks, Alverno College, and the WBDC (Womens Business Development Center).

Amy has also served as the Global Director of Sales Training and Performance for Qualcomm Life, ICU Medical, and Becton Dickinson.

The ability to navigate competitive situations with confidence is a skill that sets top-performing professionals apart.

Keys to Winning and Conquering the Competition

February 05, 20243 min read

When it comes to winning, sometimes overcoming the competition is the ultimate victory. The competition could be the other person, company or service provider who is going after the same opportunity that we are. Other times, the real competition is within ourself, speaking from experience.

The ability to navigate competitive situations with confidence is a skill that sets top-performing professionals apart. In this edition of "The Sales Confidence Code," we look at strategies for beating the competition, differentiating yourself, avoiding common pitfalls, and leveraging self-confidence to emerge victorious in competitive sales scenarios.

Be a Trusted Advisor:

In a marketplace saturated with confusion and too many options, standing out is crucial and recommending the right solution to the right problem is key. Differentiate yourself by being an expert and positioning the unique value you bring to the table. Understand your strengths. Know your "why" and the "why" of the person you are working with. A well-defined "why now" value proposition not only attracts customers but also positions you as the preferred and logical choice.

The Power of Active Listening:

When we get nervous or unsure - we often speak. I can relate to making this mistake early in my sales career. Stop, listen, pause. One of the biggest mistakes in competitive sales situations is focusing too much on your product, solution, or pitch and not enough on understanding your prospect's needs. This not only builds rapport but also positions you as a consultant rather than just a salesperson.

Develop Strategic Partnerships:

Relationship selling is a trend of the past - today, teaching and being a trusted advisor and helping identify problems is what prospects and customers need. Yes, people buy from "whom they like and trust," Zig Ziglar, but people rarely buy on the sole basis of relationships alone today. Nurture client relationships beyond the sale. Clients are more likely to choose a business partner they trust and feel a genuine connection with. Focus on being a partner, not just a provider.

Sales Confidence is Key in Communication:

Confidence is a magnetic quality that draws clients to you. Believe in your product, expertise, and ability to deliver results. Use positive body language, maintain eye contact, and speak with conviction. Confidence breeds trust, and clients are more likely to choose a confident professional who exudes assurance in their solutions.

Follow Trends:

Continuously educate yourself about industry trends, competitor offerings, and evolving client needs. The ability to adapt your approach based on new information positions you as a forward-thinking professional capable of delivering innovative solutions.

Don't Quit:

In business development and sales, setbacks are inevitable. Rather than viewing them as failures, treat them as opportunities to learn and improve. Analyze the situation, understand what went wrong, and adapt your strategy for future engagements. Ask, 'what did I do well, what would I do different, and what is next,' after each customer interaction. A growth mindset is a powerful tool in overcoming challenges.

Focus on Building Inner Confidence:

'Our greatest weakness is our lack of self-confidence,' Napoleon Hill once said. Confidence is your cutting edge in winning in sales, business, and life. Create a mindset of resilience, believe in your abilities, and stay focused on your goals. Visualize success, acknowledge your achievements, and let your self-assured attitude shine through in every interaction.

Remember, in the competitive arena of sales and business development, mastering "The Sales Confidence Code" is about consistently refining your skills, staying authentic, and exuding confidence in every step of the sales journey. Embrace the challenge, differentiate yourself, and watch your success soar above the competition.

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My ⭐️ Northstar: My keywords are 'sales,' 'speaking,' and 'confidence.' I create breakthroughs in sales and confidence for high performing leaders and teams to manifest and monetize their magic. Sales and success is 90% mindset, and 10% tactics. The best investment you will ever make is in..yourself. This is my commitment to you, my clients, and all who attend my events.


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Amy Lemire CSP

Amy Lemire CSP DTM works with success-driven leaders and teams who want to be more, make more, and sell more with confidence, with momentum. She is the creator of “The Best Version of You: Success Habits Breakthrough” Program. For the past 10 years, she has trained thousands of sales and business professionals on standards of excellence, and mastery of the keys to success and the ‘Sales Confidence Code.’ Her focus is on how to win the inner game of self-confidence to drive peak performance results in sales, business, and speaking, through the mastery of success habits. After spending 2 decades in business-to-business and medical sales and training, Amy founded AIM Training and Consulting International. She is a certified “Habitfinder” Leadership Coach. Amy is the author of 2 books: “From Zero to Sales Hero,” and “From Zero to Speaker Hero.” Amy was recently designated as a Certified Speaking Professional, in March 2023, by the National Speakers Association, for delivering over 300 hours of training and speaking. She is also a VISTAGE-certified speaker. Amy is a Distinguished Toastmaster, the Past President of National Speakers Association, St Louis Chapter, and a Member of the National Speakers Association. She has been recognized as a Fortune 500 top sales performer and sales trainer for over 3 decades. When she is not working you may find her at local rock concert, personal development seminar, or at home with her husband Nigel and her cat Brianna.

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I am just so thankful for your leadership, friendship and support. You are an insperation! Thank you for helping me see my potential and believing in me, I love the course and I love you!

Nicole.H, Atlanta, Georgia

Amy sparkles. She takes her passion for sales, speaking and personal development and pours them into all she does. I've been a fellow board member with her for the Illinois Chapter of the National Speakers Association. Whenever something needs doing, no matter how busy she is, Amy steps up with enthusiasm.

Lynne.F, St Louis, Missouri

It was a pleasure to meet Amy at a recent speaking event and listen to her message. It was delivered with precision and clarity, with relevance and aplomb. She made a positive impact on her audience. I appreciated her warm welcome, as well, and look forward to future opportunities to hear her speak.

Naomi.B, St Louis, Missouri

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